“operando methods for the study of energy materials” (emphasis on fuel cells and the oxygen reduction reaction)
“novel materials, architectures and operando methods in electrical energy storage” (emphasis on batteries and super capacitors)
“the energy landscape in the age of sustainability ” (a general lecture on the global energy challenge.)
héctor d. abruna教授于1976年在伦斯勒理工学院获得化学学士和硕士学位,于1980在北卡罗莱纳大学,获得化学博士学位,师从r. w. murray 和 t. j. meyer 教授。1980-1981年在德州奥斯汀分校取得博士后经历,师从a. j. bard教授。abruna是美国康奈尔大学终身教授, 2004年-2008年担任康奈尔大学化学学院院长,2007年当选为美国艺术与科学学院院士,2011年获得皇家化学会电化学最高奖“法拉第奖章”。 abruna教授是世界知名的电化学家,长期从事电化学相关的研究,如电分析、分子组装与分子电子器件以及电化学能量转化与储存等。在nature、science、chemical reviews、nature materials等国际著名杂志上发表多篇论文,其中超过150篇文章进入《基本科学指标库(esi)》。 abruna教授还曾先后获得了青年科学家总统奖、国际电化学会tajima奖、美国科学促进会成员、电分析化学会reilley奖、国际电化学会会士、电化学会grahame奖。2001-2011年担任电分析化学杂志主编,并且是分析科学、分析化学杂志编委。主要代表学术论著如下:
1. h. d. abruna, g. m. bommarito, d. acevedo. the study of solid/liquid interfaces with x-ray standing waves. science, 1990, 250, 69-74.
2. e. herrero, l. j. buller, h. d. abruna*. underpotential deposition at single crystal surfaces of au, pt, ag and other materials. chem. rev. 2001, 101, 1897-1930.
3. j. park, a. n. pasupathy, j. i. goldsmith, c. chang, y. yaish, j. r. petta, m. rinkoski, j. p. sethna, h. d. abruna, p. l. mceuen, d. c. ralph. coulomb blockade and the kondo effect in single-atom transistors. nature, 2002, 417, 722-725.
4. d. a. bernards, s. flores-torres, h. d. abruna, g. g. malliaras. observation of electroluminescence and photovoltaic response in ionic junctions. science 2006, 313, 1416-1419.
5. j. d. slinker, j. a. defranco, m. j. jaquith, w. r. silveira, y. w. zhong, j. m. moran-mirabal, h. g. craighead, h. d. abruna, j. a. marohn, g. g. malliaras. direct measurement of the electric-field distribution in a light-emitting electrochemical cell. nature mater. 2007, 6, 894-899.
6. d. wang, h. l. xin, r. hovden, h. wang, y. yu, d. a. muller, f. j. disalvo, h. d. abruna*. structurally ordered intermetallic platinum-cobalt core-shell nanoparticles with enhanced activity and stability as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts. nature mater. 2013, 12, 81-87.
7. v. augustyn, j. come, m. a. lowe, j. w. kim, p. l. taberna, s. h. tolbert, h. d. abruna*, p. simon, b. dunn. high-rate electrochemical energy storage through li intercalation pseudocapacitance. nature mater. 2013, 12, 518-522.