黄唯平 教授-凯时尊龙

黄唯平 教授-凯时尊龙

研究团队research team

黄唯平 教授



黄唯平 教授
prof. weiping huang
ms, yunnan university, china (1988)
phd, , nankai university, china (1991)

research interests:inorganic synthesis & catalysis

1991-1994, assistant professor, nankai university (china)
1994-1998, associate professor, nankai university (china)
1998-now, professor, nankai university (china)


selected publications
1. a bimetallic co(ii)-dy(iii) complex bridged by oxydiacetate ligand: synthesis, structure, magnetic, spectral and tg properties of {[dyco(oda)3]4[co(h2o)6]26h2o]n, j. x. li*, z. x. du, b. l. zhu, h. q. an, j. x. dong, x. j. hu, w. p. huang*, inorg. chem. commun. 2011, 14, 522-525.
2. iron-coated tio2 nanotubes and their photocatalytic performance, h. q. an, j. x. li, j. zhou, k. r. li, b. l. zhu, w. p. huang*, j. maters. chem. 2010, 20, 603-610.
3. cobalt-based catalyst for hydroformylation of cyclohexene, p. hu, k. guo, j. x. ding, q. h. zhao, w. p. huang*, chinese j. org. chem. 2010, 30, 528-533.
4. deposition of pt on the stables nanotubular tio2 and its photocatalytic performance, h. q. an, j. zhao, j. x. li, b. l. zhu, s. r. wang, s. m. zhang, s. h. wu, w. p. huang*, catal. commun. 2009, 11, 175-179.
5. synthesis and characterization of thermally stable nanotubular tio2 and its photocatalytic activity, h. q. an, b. l. zhu, j. x. li, j. zhou, s. r. wang, s. m. zhang, s. h. wu, w. p. huang*, j. phys. chem. c, 2008, 112, 18772-18775.

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